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Coffee—A Desired Pleasure

Can you smell that? Oh, I can and it’s got me closing my eyes and day dreaming…it happens to me regularly. Does it happen to you?

I smile as I write this, knowing that a glass of fresh brewed iced coffee sits within my reach. Did I mention that it’s like 44 ounces of awesomely amazing iced coffee? If I haven’t, please forgive me—I was probably savory the last sip I took.

As you probably guessed, I love the stuff and clearly can’t get enough. One of the things I like most is the robust flavor. The other is the atmosphere of my favorite coffee shop—a place that has literally become my second home.

Many times I’ve written this lovely little coffee shop into my stories. My current book is no different. In fact, the main characters occupation was established thanks to the remarkable baristas who have become practically family.

If you revisit Kissed by a Vampire, you’ll dive right into my little coffee shop with Michael and Sarah.

I can’t help it. It just happens and there are days when sitting in my office doesn’t feel right for the scene I’m writing. But moving to the coffee shop and smelling those yummy coffee scents is exactly what I need. I simply love the sounds, smells and friendly faces I meet.

I’ve had moments of inspiration jolt through me with a single sip of that desired pleasure—from romance scenes to kick butt action adventures. I look forward to creating many more stories as I continue to enjoy my coffee. It has become something that goes hand and hand for me—my love affair with coffee and romance novels.

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